YAH's holidays

Many people know these as "Jewish" holidays. 

However, going back to Torah (aka the law)...

These Moedim (holy assemblies, appointed times, feasts and festivals) are for YAH's people.

That means everyone who believes in Him!

Here is a very quick and simple video explaining the meaning behind 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 true holidays.

He shows a list of man-made holidays very quickly at the end.

Remember, we need to shed the traditions of men.

So when are 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 holidays?

Well, there's another man-made tradition we need to shake. The start of the year.

Scripture tells us the beginning of the year is actually in what we call the Spring.

I'm still studying this out, but it has to do with the Tequfah (what we call Equinox).

Tequfah is Strong's H8622, and it means circuit, as of the sun, after the course of the year.

My understanding so far is that we mark the shadow around the time of the Equinox.

The day the shadow marks make a straight line is the last day of the previous year. The day after that is the first day of the new year.

From there we count 14 days to Pecach and so on.

Again, I am still studying this out. But I've been putting together shadow marking presentations as I learn.

There are resource links below. Most are PDFs that you can print at home!

Version 3 is the most recent as of September 2024.

Shadow marking project V1 (pdf) - this one has no video. 

But there is a video below for V2 ⤵️

Shadow marking project V2 - this pdf goes along with the video above.